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Water Reclamation System For Pressure Washing

water reclamation system for pressure washing

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Water is an invaluable natural resource which is becoming scarce everyday. Pressure washing uses a lot of water, but you can be more eco-friendly by reclaiming the water you use. The average pressure washer uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute, so it can add up quickly.

If you’re a pressure washing business owner, using water reclamation system for pressure washing to meet environmental standards and keep your local water bodies clean is a good idea.

Reclaiming water from your pressure washing project is easy and will save you water in the long run. All you need is a water reclamation system for pressure washing, a device that captures the water you’re using and recycles it back into the pressure washer. 

There are many different types of water recovery systems on the market, but they all work in the same way. The water is captured in a holding tank and then pumped back into the pressure washer so you can continue using it. 

Do You Have to Reclaim Water from Pressure Washing?

The answer to this question depends on the regulations in your local area, as well as the environmental impact of the wastewater.

Some states and cities, such as Nashville, have imposed fines for improper drainage of dirty water. Therefore reclaiming pressure washing water is important for compliance with environmental policy.

Even if your area does not have these regulations, it certainly makes one a better human being to be concerned about the environment. Reclaiming water not only helps to conserve resources but also prevents pollutants and contaminants from entering storm drains, sewers, and natural water sources.

Why You Should Reclaim Water From Pressure Washing?

To Save Water

save water

One of the main reasons we use water recovery systems for pressure washing is to save water. By recycling the water we use, we can cut down on our water usage and help conserve this valuable resource.

Using water recovery systems, we can capture 95% of the water and recycle it for reuse.

This means that we can significantly reduce the amount of water we use in our business. As well as being good for the environment, recycling also saves money. Recycling water helps us save approximately 65 gallons of water every time we power wash a driveway or patio.

Reclaimed water is not good for drinking purposes. However, it is good enough for use in your garden, toilets, washing your car, washing equipment, mixing concrete, etc.

To Dispose of Pollutants

Pressure washing water may contain suspended pollutants such as heavy metals, automotive fluids, and cleaning chemicals.

If this polluted water gets mixed with stormwater drains, it can enter rivers and other water bodies. These hazardous chemicals are harmful to aquatic life.

Water Recovery Systems help dispose of these pollutants safely.

To Save Money

Water can be expensive, especially if you’re using it for commercial purposes. You can save money on your monthly water bill by recycling the water from your pressure washer.

Water will be your most expensive business expense, as you could pay thousands and sometimes millions of dollars in water taxes every year. Save yourself some money and the environment by recycling your water from a pressure washer.

To be More Environmentally Friendly

Another reason to use water recovery for pressure washing is to be more environmentally friendly. By recycling the water you use, you can reduce your environmental impact and do your part to help preserve our planet.

Additionally you can advertise your eco friendly systems to gain more leads for your pressure washing business. Learn more on how to advertise your business here.

Types of Water Reclamation Systems For Pressure Washing

There are a variety of water recovery systems that can help reduce water wastage while still getting the job done. Here are some of the most common systems:

Portable Water Recovery Tanks:

These tanks are connected to the pressure washer and collect the wastewater as it is used. The wastewater can then be stored or disposed of safely. The tanks are typically made of plastic or vinyl and come in various sizes to handle from 10-300 gallons.

Vacuum Systems: 

These systems use suction to draw in wastewater and filter it for reuse. This is ideal for large jobs where a lot of water is used and needs to be collected.  

Closed-loop Systems: 

These systems capture and clean the wastewater before recycling it back into the pressure washer. This is the most efficient type of water recovery system but also the most expensive. These systems can recycle 95% of the water used during a pressure washing job. This makes them the most efficient type of recovery system.

Using one of these water recovery systems can reduce water wastage and save money on your pressure washing jobs.

water reclamation system for pressure wahing
Modern Water Reclamation Systems for Pressure Washing

How To Reclaim Water from Pressure Washing: A Guide for Beginners

How a Water Reclamation System For Pressure Washing Works

A water recovery system is an essential component of any water-based operation. It consists of several components that work together to ensure that water is safely and efficiently recovered from various sources.

The primary components of a water recovery system include:

  • pump
  • filter
  • storage tank
  • monitoring system
  • Various pipes and valves

The pump moves water from the source to the storage tank while the filter removes any contaminants. The storage tank stores the filtered water for later use, and the monitoring system tracks the water flow rate and quality.

Finally, the pipes and valves are used to control the flow of water within the system. These components work together to ensure that water is recovered safely and efficiently.

Water Reclamation System: Step-by-Step Process

Vacuum water recovery systems are a great way to reduce water use when pressure washing. Here is a step-by-step guide to using a vacuum water recovery system for pressure washing:

1. Set up the vacuum water recovery system according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will include connecting the suction hose to the pressure washer and routing it to the collecting tank.

2. Use sandbags to block the entrance of storm drains on the property and restrict the flow of dirty water.

3. Place the vacuum berms in the lowest elevation area so they can collect all runoff water. Vacuum berms are normally 3′ to 12′ long with small holes in them. These holes prevent the suction of small solid contaminants like rocks, cigarette bums, etc.

2. Turn on the pressure washer and start cleaning. As you clean, the vacuum will suck up the dirty water and store it in the collecting tank.

3. Once you have finished cleaning, turn off the pressure washer and disconnect the suction hose from the pressure washer.

4. Empty the collecting tank according to local regulations.

5. Disconnect the suction hose from the collecting tank and store it away for further use.

Watch this excellent videos form PowerWash.com to learn more.

How to Recover Wash Water by PowerWash.com


A water reclamation system for pressure washing is a great way to reduce water usage and waste. This system collects water from the pressure washer and stores it in a tank for reuse.

Not only does this reduce water consumption, but it also saves money in the long run. The system is relatively easy to install and maintain, and the cost of the equipment is relatively inexpensive.

For businesses that use pressure washers frequently, the water recovery system is an easy way to reduce their environmental footprint while still getting the job done.

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